集 團 業 務 發 展 歷 程

本公司成立於2001年1月,代理 Acer Apple Samsung Hp Linksys Epson Canon 等等國際知名品牌 發展至今已18載。


多 元 業 務 發 展 歷 程











個 食品代理:大陸胡子著片,丹麥曲奇餅乾, 美國版可樂,  新世蘭黑糖蜜

…….超過500品種中國區域代理, 最高峰每季度大約280只40尺貨櫃銷






提供包括水電,管理費,會議室 給租客,商業服務協助申請政府事項



2015年開擴業務進駐 加拿大電地暖設備;日本AT254 除甲醛空氣觸


及防爆玻璃膜;美國3M濾水系統;日本 Cado 空氣淨化機 ,


澳門各大銀行:中銀 ;大西洋銀行;

大型娛樂場:新濠天地 ;澳門銀河 ,





The history and development of business

Our company was first established in 2001 and doing retail electronic

business for the past 18 years. Our company is a fast growth company and

keeps on developing and willing to change and support the staff to evaluate

the idea. When we aim a potential target, we are going to desperately work

on it. Moreover we also care the value of the staff as they are the key and

the force to extend the broader of our business.


In 2001, we started the business on electronic product and it is still growing

until now.


In 2004, we started to work on the property real estate and we got an

excellent start.


In 2010, we started a business on selling 3M product which is a leading brand

of family product made in USA. We gain 3000 stable customer just in this



In 2011, our company invested in the wine business in Guanggxi which show

that our business has successfully reached out of the Guandongprovince.

Also this business was running well. It also merged with another wine

company and we foresee it is going to growth well too.  

In 2012, our company invested in food business and established a company

known as Pace Wine Scm. We successfully partner with G7 which is the

leading brand of Coffee in Vietnam and the wholesaler of Central Coffee.At

the peak year, we sold 180 containers of 40 feet size cargos to carry the



In 2014 we successfully became the authorized wholesaler agency of Bruce

Lee instant coffee for 15 years in China. At the same year we brought it to

almost all the big supermarket in Macau and 265 supermarkets in China. Its

sales had been expected to overcome G7 in five year times. For the coming

year, we are trying to be morewholesalers of chips, cookies and snack in five

years times


gathering.In 2014 we invested in the World Prestige Asia Co.Ltd, which hold

a factory site and we redecorated and separated it into a smaller office,and

provided it to the younthbusiness starter, On top of that we just required the

basicfee and we provided the place with water, electricity, building

management fee, meeting room and we also provide information on how to

do the government document related to business and the leverage in the



